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Why is Street Workout Better Than Going to a Traditional Gym?

Are you in a dilemma on whether to opt for streetworkout or gym fitness program? You aren’t alone as ever since the street workout moment or Calisthenics has become popular, most people have been going through this dilemma. But Calisthenics which uses your body weight and muscle strength instead of equipment in a gym has become popular across age groups in the last few years. If you are still in dilemma here are some convincing reasons for you to opt for streetworkout over traditional gym fitness program –

You enjoy the natural ambiance…

When you are working out in a Calisthenics park, you will be able to embrace the beauty of Mother Nature. Whether it is the sunshine on a day when the skies are clear or the cool breeze striking your face in cold climatic conditions, you become up close with nature. This is the natural way of building your stamina and endurance and generates more positive energy within in your body.

Train closer to home…

You won’t need to drive several miles to visit a top-rated gym as streetworkout options are available within your own community. Hence this form of exercise is much more convenient and you are less likely to miss your routine compared to a hitting a gym that is several miles away.

Exercise for all age groups…

It goes without saying that traditional gyms are thronged by a particular age group and you aren’t likely to find too many seniors or middle aged people in the gym. This is surprising as your fitness exercise requirement increases as you age to keep yourself fit and delay the degeneration process in your body. Street workout on the other hand is accessible to people across age groups. Depending on your age, stamina and endurance levels you can engage in this exercise to keep yourself in perfect shape.

You can vary your workout…

When you exercise in a gym your workout is mostly regimented. You will work on certain muscles every day based on your fitness goals. There is hardly any choice for you to break the routine that can get boring after a certain point of time. In case of street workout through you can creatively plan your exercise and do what you feel like doing. At the end of the day you will strengthen your muscles, get rid of the excess fat in your body and build your endurance.

Street workout lets you socialize…

In today’s digitally driven world our interactions with neighbours and friends have dropped as most people these days are busy with their gadgets. This is leading to psychological disorders in many where number of suicides and cases of depression has increased at an alarming level. With street workout you will get the opportunity to socialize with people across age groups. This helps in improving mental health and get over gadget addiction.

It’s almost free…

In most cases outdoor fitness workouts are almost free as you won’t need to pay regular membership for it like you would need to do in case of a gym. However, you might have to pay upfront if the community takes initiative to set up a Calisthenics park. Either way you will save far more without compromising on your fitness when you take to streetworkout.

It goes without saying that streetworkout has undergone immense evaluation in the last two decades. Gone are the days when most people would think of street workout has merely jogging. At Denfit we have stood witness to the revolutionary change being part of the calisthenics movement. We have installed calisthenics equipment across several communities and made fitness easily accessible to people across age groups. Join the moment and improve your fitness and mental agility.