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Crosstraining 3 light

  • Size: Height TRX rings 1000 and 1400 mm – height Kneeraise 1300 and 500 mm
  • tube diameter Ø 33,7 mm – bars Ø 42,2 mm
  • Stainless steel magnetic dumbbells of 4,6 and 8 kg
  • Colour: HEA frame in many different colours (standard is Lime green), ropes and rings are standard in black
  • Free height of fall: 1300 mm
  • Installation: In ground / above ground
  • Main exercises: Bent over row / Front Raise / Goblet Squat /Arm Rotation / Knee raise / Dips behind the back / Fly / Mountain climber / Bulgarian Split Squat / Horizontal fly
  • Many alternative exercises


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